
How does Levi spin so fast?

How does Levi spin so fast?

Levi is a small light weight person with “amped” ODM gear which is why he’s as quick as he is.

Why is Levi in a wheelchair?

Apparently Levi got an injury that was very close to death. His injury was from a thunder spear while he was in a battle with Zeke. He had many scars across his body with his damaged left eye.

What’s wrong with Levi’s leg?

3 He Suffered Permanent Injuries Levi was severely injured after Zeke blew himself up with a Thunder Spear. More so, during the final battle to stop the Rumbling, Levi loses the use of his legs whilst still healing from his prior injuries.

Does Levi Ackerman have trauma?

Despite their attempts, the mistreatment of the Ackermans continued until Kenny befriended Uri Reiss, the true King, after an assassination attempt. It may be surmised that this heritage of oppression resulted directly in Levi’s traumatic childhood and his mother’s difficult life.

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What is ododm gear training and how does it work?

ODM gear training is a rigorous process that allows humans, which are limited to two-dimensional movements, to adapt to movement in the third dimension. Great physical strength, particularly in the legs, coupled with spatial recognition abilities, as well as the mental strength to not waver in the midst of a panic, are crucial qualities.

What qualities do you need to become a certified ODM?

Great physical strength, particularly in the legs, coupled with spatial recognition abilities, as well as the mental strength to not waver in the midst of a panic, are crucial qualities. One of the first things done after enlisting in training is the ODM gear aptitude evaluation.

Did the Beast Titan have any interest in the ODM gear?

The Beast Titan showed great interest in the ODM gear, apparently having never encountered it before his meeting with Miche Zacharius.

How do you use the ODM gear in Warzone?

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Soldiers using ODM gear The simplest move possible with the ODM gear is simply aiming and firing the grapple hooks at an object and then activating the gas mechanism to reel oneself toward the said object. They can then disconnect the hook and continue moving forward.