
How does resonance occur give an example?

How does resonance occur give an example?

Swing. A playground swing is one of the familiar examples of resonance. When we push the swing, it starts moving forward and backwards. Once when the swing reaches its natural frequency of oscillation, a gentle push to the swing helps to maintain its amplitude due to resonance.

What describes resonance to occur?

Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force (or a Fourier component of it) is equal or close to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts.

Why does resonance occur in LCR circuit?

In LCR series circuits, resonance occurs when the value of inductive and capacitive reactances have equal magnitude but have a phase difference of 180°. Thus, they cancel each other.

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What causes resonance in a pipe?

There is resonance in pipes. Every substance has a natural frequency at which it vibrates. The object begins to vibrate when an external agent applies a forced vibration that matches the natural frequencies.

What happens when resonance takes place in Series AC circuit?

Electrical resonance occurs in an AC circuit when the effects of the two reactances, which are opposite and equal, cancel each other out as XL = XC. This is because at resonance they are cancelled out. So the total impedance of the series circuit becomes just the value of the resistance and therefore: Z = R.

What is resonance in parallel circuit?

Parallel resonance is a resonance condition that usually occurs in parallel resonant circuits, where the voltage becomes a maximum for a given current. Being a parallel resonance means the impedance is high and inrush surge current relatively low compared to a simple capacitor.

How does resonance occur in a closed pipe?

If a sound of a certain frequency is created near a pipe filled with air, a standing sound wave can be created in the pipe. This produces resonance, which amplifies the sound produced by the original wave.

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What does resonance depend on?

Mechanical resonance can produce vibrations strong enough to destroy the object in which they occur. For example, soldiers marching over a bridge can set up extreme vibrations at the bridge’s natural frequency and shake it apart. For this reason soldiers break step to cross a bridge.