
How Far Can AK 47 bullet travel in water?

How Far Can AK 47 bullet travel in water?

Thanks to the team at Smarter Every Day and The Slow Mo Guys, the AK-47 is also a way to learn about physics! Underwater, the bullet travels only about 5 to 6 feet (in the air, it can travel some 1,300 feet). That’s neat if unsurprising; water is much denser than air and puts up greater resistance.

How far can a bullet travel before it stops?

Typically a 9 mm bullet shot out of a medium sized handgun will travel 2200 meters before it will fall to the ground. A bullet almost never travels this far before it actually hits something….Range of a Handgun Bullet.

Type of Bullet Form Factor
Pointed Full Jacket 1.5-1.8
Pointed Full Jacket Boat Tailed 1.9-2.0

How far can bullets travel when fired into water?

Test has shown that a bullets shot from high powered rifles will only penetrate the water up to 3 feet. If you are deeper than 3 feet, you probably be safe from someone who is firing at you from outside of the water with a long range rifle.

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How far does a bullet travel went shot into the air?

This is especially when weather conditions are optimal and it is fired perfectly horizontal. This means that the answer to how far will a 308 bullet travel is 800-4600 yards. If you are shooting in the air though, the bullet will climb to a distance of 3.5 to 4.5 miles.

How far will a .45 bullet travel?

“A .45 caliber bullet can go about 5,000 ft. in distance with the same factors involved,” Robbie Paskiewicz said. A 9 mm bullet can travel even farther because it’s smaller.

How fast does the average bullet travel?

The average bullet travels at 2,500 feet per second (around 1,700 mph). If you reacted to the sound of the gun going off and required 0.20 seconds (twice that of the fastest Olympic sprinters) to react, then you would need to be at least 500 feet away to successfully dodge a bullet.