
How fast is Sonic werehog?

How fast is Sonic werehog?

By dividing 25 into 259, the Game Theorists calculate that Sonic’s maximum speed in the original Sonic the Hedgehog is a little over 10 meters (33 feet) per second. That’s fast, but it’s nowhere near the speed of sound, which is a little over 340 meters (1,115 feet) per second.

How fast is Sonic in his base form?

around mach 3
One answer here claimed that Sonic’s max speed in his base form is around mach 3 Sonic has always been faster than light in his normal form before powering up.

Can Sonic the Werehog stretch his arms?

In addition to the above, Sonic the Werehog also has the ability to stretch his arms at will.

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How Sonic turns into a werehog?

It is caused by Dr. Eggman and a special ray that hits Sonic with Dark Gaia’s power, in turn, the energy from Dark Gaia had turned Sonic into this from. Sonic finds out at sundown he changes into the Werehog.

How strong is the werehog?

In Werehog form, Sonic is possessed of incredible strength, rivaling that of Mighty the Armadillo. He is also capable of stretching his arms to great length, useful for attacking enemies or moving through rough terrain. He can use powerful punches when in combat.

How fast is Sonic Unleashed?

The fastest that Sonic can go in Unleashed is 3,519 SPD. This means that Sonic’s top speed is (based on statistical measurement) 6,051,022,551 mph (9,738,181,485 kph) or a little over 9 times the speed of light.

Is Hyper Sonic faster than the flash?

Sonic the Hedgehog’s maximum running speed is listed as 3,840 miles per hour in Sonic Adventures DX. According to the 2014 Flash TV show, in the episode Trajectory, Barry Allen has a top speed of 2,532 miles per hour or Mach 3.3. Sonic is faster for now.

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How strong is the Werehog?

Why does Werehog Sonic have stretchy arms?

Sonic the Werehog can stretch because his blood has been replaced by magma.

Why does werehog Sonic have stretchy arms?