
How hard is it to have a pet axolotl?

How hard is it to have a pet axolotl?

Axolotl care requirements are minimal, and provided temperature and water flow are well controlled, they are hardy, easy-to-care-for captives that breed readily in captivity. It is difficult to think of a more unusual display animal than the axolotl, and its bold and tame nature makes it an interactive pet.

Are axolotls a good pet?

Axolotls are large, adorable salamanders that are native to Mexico. Though not as common as snakes or large lizards, they have a growing fan base in the exotic pet community. Hardy and easy to care for, axolotls are great pets for people who may not have a lot of experience with exotic animals.

Do axolotls like being handled?

Do Axolotls Like Being Handled? No, not in the least, axolotls do not like being handled at all. These are fairly skittish and fearful creatures that do not like to be picked up. So, once again, only try to pick your axolotl up if you really need to do so, such as to clean their tanks or to administer medicine.

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Are axolotls low maintenance?

An axolotl, also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, is a hardy and very low-maintenance pet. The axolotl is a salamander that remains suspended in the larval stage and does not undergo metamorphosis like other salamanders, but instead remains water-bound with gills.

Are axolotls worth it?

Axolotls are one of the more affordable exotic pets you can keep. They’re also incredibly cute, with permanent smiles attached to their faces. These amphibians are relatively easy to care for as well, which helps to make them such popular pets.

Can Axolotls be tamed?

Axolotls can’t technically be tamed, but they’re not hostile towards players and can be scooped up into a bucket with ease. You can then carry them around with you or re-home them in a pond or lake nearer to your base.

What do Axolotls like to play with?

They don’t attach them selves to rocks or the substrate, just roll around like giant green snow balls lol. Axies might have some fun with that, and also ghost shrimp like Isobel suggested. I have ghost shrimp in my tank, they are fun to watch, and provide activity for the axies… even though they can’t catch them lol.

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How much does it cost to take care of an axolotl?

An axolotl costs between $30 – $75 for a basic but healthy one. If you’re looking for something more exotic like a piebald axolotl variation, it will cost about $100. Some rare specimens can cost a few hundred, but these are generally extremely unique variations that only serious collectors tend to purchase.