
How is clan ranking determined?

How is clan ranking determined?

Clan Ranking is based on the number of trophies of its members. It is not a simple sum of all of the members’ trophies, but instead a weighted sum according to the following table. The percentage depends on the clan rankings, regardless of size.

How are clan points calculated in COC?

Clan Points are not the sum of all members’ trophies, but instead it is calculated by weight according to the following rules: For rank 1-10 within the Clan: 50\% of their trophies are counted towards Clan Points. For rank 11-20: 25\% of their trophies are counted. For rank 21-30: 12\% of their trophies are counted.

How do you get trophies in Clash of Clans multiplayer?

To earn trophies you have to play multiplayer games with another opponent online and you have to win. You can also get trophies if anyone attacks you and loses to your defense.

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How many co-leaders can there be in a clan?

There can only be one leader in a clan. You can, however, make someone a ‘co-leader’, a position the has all the powers that a leader has, such as starting wars. A co-leader, however, cannot demote or kick out a leader/co-leader.

How are clan trophies calculated?

Clan trophies are calculated based off a weighted score of the clan’s members current trophies. Depending on the rank of the member, a percentage of their trophies are added to the clan’s. This means that the first 10 members’ trophies are the most important factor in deciding the overall clan score.

How does a clan score work?

Depending on the rank of the member, a percentage of their trophies are added to the clan’s. This means that the first 10 members’ trophies are the most important factor in deciding the overall clan score.

How do trophies work in League of Legends?

If your defense or attack wins, you gain trophies; if your attacker or defender wins, you lose trophies. There are four reasons for controlling your trophy count: To gain position on the various leader boards: My League, Top Players (Global and local) and Top Clans.

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How many trophies does it take to become a top player?

This phenomenon is particularly noticeable at higher rankings: early on in the game’s lifespan point in time no player had more than 3,000 trophies, but during late 2013 many top players had more than 4,000 trophies, and as of mid 2020, many top players had more than 6,000 trophies.