
How is the Bocconi test?

How is the Bocconi test?

The test is computer adaptive, features a constantly updated question bank and has no negative markings. Please note that the final decision, if a candidate can take Bocconi Test or not, lies with the admissions team. The test has three main sections with 30-35 Questions in each section for the total of 70 Mins.

How tough is Bocconi test?

This is probably the toughest section of the test. You will have 25 minutes to answer 18 questions that are in the form of data interpretation sets with 5 answer options. There are 3 questions per set and almost everything is calculation intensive.

When is Bocconi test conducted?

In order to apply for the BET entrance exam 2021, a candidate should have a minimum of 50\% in X, XII & graduation each….Bocconi Entrance Test (BET) 2021.

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Bocconi Entrance Test 2021 Dates
Round 1 Submission Deadline 20 Nov 2020
Round 2 Submission Deadline 10 Jan 2021
Round 3 Submission Deadline 20 Mar 2021
Round 4 Submission Deadline 20 May 2021 TBD

Is the Bocconi test free?

There is no separate application or fee for Bocconi Test and it is a part of IMB application. Interested students have to just say “Yes” to Bocconi Test in the IMB application.

Can I use calculator in Bocconi test?

Note: Calculators are allowed. You will have 25 minutes to crack this section. The questions will test your ability to understand the relationship between various concepts without any previous assumption or acquired knowledge.

Do you need Toefl for Bocconi?

For regulations about the certificate VALIDITY please take into consideration the following: – TOEFL and IELTS (Academic) certificates must have been awarded no more than two years prior to the departure date for the Exchange period (please consider also second semester departure).

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Do you need SATS for Bocconi?

Unlike American universities, Bocconi asks for a minimum SAT score: 1300 out of 1600. A minimum TOEFL score of 100 out of 120, or a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 out of 9.0.

Is calculator allowed in Bocconi test?

Is the Bocconi test online?

For the 2021/22 AY admission, the Bocconi selection test will be held online.