
How is the thermal efficiency of a gas turbine alternator increased?

How is the thermal efficiency of a gas turbine alternator increased?

The fuel-to-power efficiency of the engine is optimized by increasing the difference (or ratio) between the compressor discharge pressure and inlet air pressure. The temperature at which the turbine operates (firing temperature) also impacts efficiency, with higher temperatures leading to higher efficiency.

What is the efficiency of gas turbine power plant?

A simple cycle gas turbine can achieve energy conversion efficiencies ranging between 20 and 35 percent. With the higher temperatures achieved in the Department of Energy’s turbine program, future hydrogen and syngas fired gas turbine combined cycle plants are likely to achieve efficiencies of 60 percent or more.

Why is gas turbine efficiency low?

The decrease in the compressor airflow rate results in a decrease in the compressor power absorbed. Similarly, the reduction in the turbine flow also results in a decrease in turbine power. The compressor efficiency decrease is due primarily to the effects of compressor fouling.

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Which of the following method is used to improve turbine efficiency?

Explanation: The various methods to improve the efficiency of open cycles include intercooling the feed water from the compressor to the turbine and then employing regeneration & reheat to just use the power of the reheated water in order to maximize the power output. 9.

What will reduce fuel consumption answer?

Explanation: Harsh braking, frequent gear changes and harsh acceleration increase fuel consumption. An engine uses less fuel when travelling at a constant low speed. Easing off the accelerator and timing your approach at junctions, for example, can reduce the fuel consumption of your vehicle.

Which of the following can minimize engine effort and save fuel?

Accelerate smoothly and directly to a safe speed if you can do so safely. Better yet, if your car has cruise control and the ground isn’t wet, use cruise control to minimize engine effort and save fuel.