
How long do fish live pet?

How long do fish live pet?

The majority of common tropical fish live for an average of three to five years, while goldfish are among those living the longest, potentially up to 20 years. Koi, who are cousins of the goldfish, can live up to 40 years.

Can fish live for 100 years?

The coelacanth — a giant weird fish still around from dinosaur times — can live for 100 years, a new study found. These slow-moving, people-sized fish of the deep, nicknamed a “living fossil,” are the opposite of the live-fast, die-young mantra.

Can fish live for 30 years?

So, perhaps, it isn’t surprising that fish have the record for both the shortest and longest vertebrate lifespan. While a pet Goldfish (Carassius auratus) has a typical lifespan of 6-7 years, they have been reported to live as long as 30 years (Lorenzoni et al. 2007).

Can fish live for 5 years?

There are also several types of fish that live around 3 to 5 years with proper care and feeding. These fish include betas, kissing gourami, zebra danios and Jack Dempsey. If you are looking for a fish that will be around for up to 10 years, think about neon tetras, angelfish, Oscars, and plecostomus.

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Are there fish years?

Goldfish that are properly cared for live up to 30 years, and a human will typically live up to 100 years, so your goldfish is about 6.6 “goldfish years”. But technically he’s just 2. I do understand the whole idea of “dog years” or in this case, “fish years”, though.

What is the oldest fish still alive?

Coelacanths, which have been around for 400 million years, were thought extinct until they were found alive in 1938 off South Africa. The coelacanth a giant weird fish still around from dinosaur times can live for 100 years, a new study found.

Do bigger fish live longer?

The answer varies greatly depending on the species of fish. However, in general, smaller fish have a shorter lifespan than larger fish, and fish that lay eggs live longer than those that give birth to live young. The two most popular species of fish—bettas and goldfish—are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

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What is the oldest living fish?

As for the current holder of the record for oldest fish in the sea, it’s the Greenland shark. A 2016 study examining these cold-water sharks’ eyes found one female estimated to be nearly 400 years old—good enough to hold the record for the oldest known vertebrate not just under the sea but anywhere on the planet.

What is the oldest fish?