
How long do I keep my phone in rice to dry it out?

How long do I keep my phone in rice to dry it out?

Put the rice and phone under a desk lamp or similar mild heat source to encourage the evaporation process. Give it as long as you can. Ideally you want to give it 48 hours or more, but at least leave it overnight if you can. While some phones won’t be revived no matter how long they sit in rice, the longer the better.

What do you do if you drop your phone in water?

Article Summary

  1. Turn your phone off, if it isn’t already.
  2. Dry it as much as possible with a towel.
  3. Remove the battery (if possible)
  4. Bury your wet phone in a container of rice and place it in the sunlight (may take a few days)
  5. If it still doesn’t function properly, consult a professional for repairs.
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Will my phone still work if I dropped it in water?

If it’s on, electricity will flow, it will touch the water that’s inside and that’s when your fry the (circuit) board,” he said. This is also true even if your phone is still working after it was dropped in water. “You didn’t get lucky. Turn it off!” said Craig Beinecke, co-founder of TekDry, a Denver, Colo.

How long should I wait to charge my phone after dropping it in water?

If your iPhone has been exposed to liquid, unplug all cables and do not charge your device until it’s completely dry. Using accessories or charging when wet might damage your iPhone. Allow at least 5 hours before charging with a Lightning cable or connecting a Lightning accessory.

Does rice really work to dry out a phone?

Yes it does, especially if you put the phone and the rice into a sealed plastic bag. But while the rice will draw out the moisture, that doesn’t necessarily mean your phone will work properly afterwards. Also, rice may get stuck in the headphone socket. Soaking the phone in pure alcohol may be a better bet.

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Can I use a hairdryer to dry my phone?

Do not — we repeat, do not — use a blow dryer; the heat can damage the phone. If you have a phone or a gadget with a cover that comes off, take it off, and take out the battery, the SIM card, and anything else that can easily be removed.