
How long does it take to become an officer in the RAF?

How long does it take to become an officer in the RAF?

Initial Officer Training (IOT) at Royal Air Force College (RAFC) Cranwell is the gateway to becoming an officer in the RAF. Training is conducted over 6 months and includes: Leadership & Teamwork. Written & Verbal Communications.

Can you be an officer in the RAF without a degree?

You can become an officer in the Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Royal Air Force without going to university. You don’t have to go to university to get a leadership role in the armed forces. …

How hard is RAF officer training?

Many of those who fail will end up re-taking RAF phase 1 training. Basic training is hard with 10 weeks of rigorous mental and physical stress. For example, recruits have to wait for permission to eat or go to the toilet. But with the proper preparation, you can handle basic training.

What is the difference between officer and airman?

Officers are tasked with higher level supervision and decision making for a unit or duty section. Enlisted airmen are specifically trained technicians and perform the tasks required to achieve the mission.

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How long does it take to join the airforce as an officer?

After completing a four-year degree, graduates may enroll in OCS. This is also known as Officer Training School (OTS) in the Air Force. OCS/OTS varies in length between Services, but generally lasts 9 to 17 weeks.

Can you go home during RAF officer training?

There may be occasions when trainees can return home during Initial Training, but this is very much dependent on the training schedule.

Do you have to serve 12 years in the RAF?

In short, no. You can leave the RAF, just like any job. However, it depends on how long you’ve served as to how much notice you will have to give. You can leave within the first six months, but you must give 14 days’ notice in writing, and it’s subject to the requirement to complete 28 days service.