
How long does it take to get Facebook ad certified?

How long does it take to get Facebook ad certified?

Most of them can be taken in 15-50 minutes. All you need is a Facebook log-in to start learning. Facebook Blueprint is a handy way for digital marketers to stay on top of Facebook’s evolving portfolio of tools and ad formats.

How long is the Facebook blueprint exam?

105 minutes
The exam has 60 questions and is 105 minutes long. Keep in mind: 700/1000 is a passing score. There is a five-day waiting period to retake the exam.

How do I study for the Facebook blueprint exam?

How to prepare and study for your Facebook Blueprint Certification exam

  1. Go through all the recommended courses. Facebook as a huge library of mini-courses, but they also have specific recommended courses for each exam.
  2. Take the practice exam.
  3. Prepare yourself.
  4. LinkedIn.
  5. Direct URL.
  6. Embed.
  7. Pitch decks.
  8. Everywhere else.
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Is Facebook blueprint certification easy?

Coming from someone with four years of Facebook advertising experience, the Facebook Blueprint Certification is not easy. Facebook recommends at least 6 months of Facebook Ad experience before attempting to take the exam. The exam will last 75 minutes and has between 50 and 60 questions.

Does Facebook certification expire?

A Facebook certification for Media Buying, Media Planning, Marketing Science, Creative Strategy and Spark AR Creator is valid for 12 months from the date it was issued.

How do you get Facebook certified?

In order to become certified, you will need to take the Facebook Advertising Core Competencies exam in addition to either of the media professional exams – the Facebook Certified Planning Professional or the Facebook Certified Buying Professional – to receive your certification and digital badge.”

How many times can you take the Facebook blueprint exam?

While there’s no limit to the number of times you can retake an exam, you’ll be charged the full fee each time (the equivalent of $150 USD).

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Are Facebook Blueprint courses worth it?

While Facebook Blueprint courses received favorable online reviews, many people questioned the value of the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams. Digital Defynd included the program in their list of 10 best free courses for Facebook ads. According to one Reddit user, “the courses themselves are worth taking.

How many times can you take the Facebook Blueprint exam?

What is FB IQ?

Facebook IQ is the insights unit established by the world’s largest social network, aimed at helping marketers better understand people how people are communicating today, both online and off. The first output of Facebook IQ, The Coming of Age on Screens, is a qualitative and quantitative study.

How do I become a Facebook ad specialist?

These are the 10 steps to follow to become a Facebook ads specialist.

  1. Build your Facebook ads skills and get certified.
  2. Learn how to use Facebook business manager.
  3. Understand how Facebook sales funnels work.
  4. Learn how to configure Facebook events and custom conversions.
  5. Understand what are custom and lookalike audiences.
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