
How long was Frieza floating in space?

How long was Frieza floating in space?

Click to start this article in And chapter 77 of Dragon Ball Super just revealed that they have been perpetually stuck in this scheming phase for possibly 50 years.

How can Frieza survive a planet explosion?

Freeza is durable as hell, this was implied not only through him surviving Goku’s final attack and the planet exploding on him, but him still being alive when revived by Shenron in the pieces Trunks sliced him up as, which was his last time being alive before Trunks blasted him.

Can Frieza survive in space?

Even Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta can’t survive the emptiness of space, at least without holding their breath for a long period of time. Somehow, Frieza and his race can survive in the vacuum of space. The biology of how they are able to survive is never explained, which is kind of strange.

How did Frieza come back the first time?

Frieza returns to annoy our heroes in the Dragon Ball: Resurrection ‘F’ movie. He is resurrected at the beginning of the film thanks to a wish made to Shenron by his minion Sorbet.

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Why did Frieza go to Earth?

A year later, Frieza and King Cold travel to Earth in order to exact revenge on Goku and his friends, but they are confronted by Trunks, Vegeta and Bulma’s son from the future. After a brief battle, Frieza is sliced to pieces by Trunks and his remains blasted into oblivion, with his father following shortly afterwards.

How did Frieza come back to life?

Frieza returns to annoy our heroes in the Dragon Ball: Resurrection ‘F’ movie. He is resurrected at the beginning of the film thanks to a wish made to Shenron by his minion Sorbet. He is brought back in the pieces Trunks chopped him into, but is completely reassembled thanks to Sorbet’s own minions.

Can Saiyans fight in space?

Therein lies the major problem: As we’re reminded in this latest installment of Dragon Ball Super, Saiyans cannot fight in space! Moro easily evades the combined attacks of Daikaioh Buu and Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta, toying with the heroes by distracting them with projections of his body.

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