
How many amps does a RGB LED use?

How many amps does a RGB LED use?

Each segment of 3 LEDs draws approximately 20 milliAmperes from a 12V supply, per string of LEDs. So for each segment, there is a maximum 20mA draw from the red LEDs, 20mA draw from the green and 20mA from the blue. If you have the LED strip on full white (all LEDs lit) that would be 60mA per segment.

Does polarity matter on DC LED lights?

LEDs are electrically polarised and will only operate correctly when their positive terminal (also known as the anode) is connected to the supply positive and their negative terminal (also known as the cathode) is connected to the supply negative. LED connection polarity must be strictly observed!

How much power does a 5050 LED strip use?

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The 5050 regular density LED light strip is listed at two watts per foot, so for thirty feet of light, you’ll be drawing sixty watts of power, and as it just so happens, we’ve got sixty watt power supplies!

How much current does a 5050 LED draw?

Standard wattage of an SMD-5050 5 meter 60 leds\meter RGB strip is 72W, and max amperage of a 5050 5m strip is 72W/12V=6A.

Can you hardwire LED strips?

When hardwiring the strips, you will just need to make solid connections between all your strip wires to the output wires on the power supply. This can be done with wire nuts or wiring all strips to a common positive and negative wire so you can make a one to one connection with the hardwired power supply.

Can you hardwire LED strip lights to a light switch?

Hardwired System. This is a hardwired system using a dimmable hardwired transformer, compatible wall switch dimmer, custom in-wall cable, and our flexible LED strips. Measure available space for flex: The first step in any system is to determine how much flexible LED strips you will need to complete your system.

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What happens if you put an LED in backwards?

LEDs, being diodes, will only allow current to flow in one direction. And when there’s no current-flow, there’s no light. Luckily, this also means that you can’t break an LED by plugging it in backwards. A reversed LED can keep an entire circuit from operating properly by blocking current flow.