
How many Canadian soldiers were in the Vietnam War?

How many Canadian soldiers were in the Vietnam War?

The statistic that is perhaps most startling is that the number of Canadians who served in Vietnam (somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000) is likely a higher total than the number of Canadians who served in Korea or Afghanistan and over 125 of these Canadians in Vietnam paid the ultimate price.

What was Canada’s role in the war?

Their main duty was to act as convoy escorts across the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean and to Murmansk in the USSR. They also hunted submarines, and supported amphibious landings in Sicily, Italy and Normandy.

How did Canada participate in the secret war?

Canada harboured American draft dodgers and helped supervise ceasefires. But at the same time, about 30,000 Canadians volunteered to fight in southeast Asia. And there was Canada’s involvement in secret missions, weapons testing and arms production. CBC Archives looks at Canada’s role in the Vietnam War.

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Did Canada ever draft soldiers?

There is at present no conscription in Canada. Conscription was implemented in Canada during the First and Second World Wars for men of military age and fitness.

Did Canada send troops to the Korean War?

As part of a United Nations (UN) force, 26,791 Canadian military personnel served in the Korean War, during both the combat phase and as peacekeepers afterward.

Did Canada participate in the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War had considerable effects on Canada, but Canada and Canadians also affected the war. The Canadian government did not participate in the war. It contributed to peacekeeping forces in 1973 to help enforce the Paris Peace Accords. Privately, some Canadians contributed to the war effort.

What was Canada’s role in the Battle of Ypres?

Canadian troops held a strategically critical section of the frontline until reinforcements could be brought in. More than 6,500 Canadians were killed, wounded or captured in the Second Battle of Ypres. The Second Battle of Ypres was fought during the First World War from 22 April to 25 May 1915.

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Did Canada send soldiers to Vietnam?

The Canadian government did not participate in the war. It contributed to peacekeeping forces in 1973 to help enforce the Paris Peace Accords. In addition, at least 30,000 Canadians volunteered to serve in the American armed forces during the war. At least 134 Canadians died or were reported missing in Vietnam.