
How many decibels is a space shuttle launch?

How many decibels is a space shuttle launch?

The Space Shuttle, during launch, was as loud as a sound can possibly be in Earth’s atmosphere – 194 dB. A sound is produced when air molecules are vibrated back and forth, producing a wave of alternating higher pressure and lower pressure regions.

Why was the space shuttle flawed?

Criticism of the Space Shuttle program stemmed from claims that NASA’s Shuttle program failed to achieve its promised cost and utility goals, as well as design, cost, management, and safety issues. Fundamentally, it failed in the goal of reducing the cost of space access.

What does go with throttle up mean?

That occurs when the vehicle is about 35,000 feet high. At that point in time, the vehicle is going 1,636 miles per hour when we are “go” for throttle up. So, the throttle up is to bring the main engines back up to speed, the full rated speed, once we get though that maximum dynamic pressure.

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How complex was the space shuttle?

The Space Shuttle was the most complex space vehicle design of its time. It was comprised of four main components: the External Tank (ET); three Space Shuttle Main Engines; two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs); and the Orbiter vehicle.

What killed the Space Shuttle Columbia astronauts?

NASA suspended space shuttle flights for more than two years as it investigated the cause of the Columbia disaster. An investigation board determined that a large piece of foam fell from the shuttle’s external tank and breached the spacecraft wing.

What does full throttle mean?

at full throttle. : at full speed the project is proceeding at full throttle.

Who said throttle up?

Covey also served as Mission Control spacecraft communicator (CAPCOM) for Shuttle Missions STS-5, 6, 61-B, 61-C, and 51-L (it was his voice that said the now infamous words, “Challenger, go at throttle up” shortly before the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster).