
How many Mass Effect endings are there?

How many Mass Effect endings are there?

There are eight different endings for Mass Effect 3: three core choices (two of which have two variations and the other having three) and one alternative ending available only in the Extended Cut. Your options and their variations are influenced by three factors: The big choice you made at the end of Mass Effect 2.

Does Mass Effect 2 continue after ending?

In 2 And 3. Not every player has the patience to slog through every single side quest before the game is over. In Mass Effect 2 and 3, after the end credits roll, players are booted back to a save point before the final mission(s).

Can you save everyone me2?

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Basically the entire crew of the Normandy can die in the final mission of Mass Effect 2, including Commander Shepard if you don’t play your cards right. Luckily, it’s also possible to save everyone and make it out without casualties.

Who dies at end of Mass Effect 2?

If you did 1-3 Missions / Assignments after the crew were kidnapped, half of the crew will die, including Kelly, Gabby, Ken, and Mess Sergant Gardner . If you did 4 or more Missions / Assignments after the crew were kidnapped, all of them except Dr. Chakwas will die.

What is the max level in Mass Effect 2?

The max level in Mass Effect 2 is 30, which is true for both the standard game and the Mass Effect Legendary Edition package. You start the game with two Squad Points and gain two points for every level until you get to 20.

Should I keep the Reaper base or destroy it?

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Furthermore, players that save the Collector Base will receive the Reaper Brain in Mass Effect 3, while those that destroy it will receive the Reaper Heart. The first of these two War Assets has a Military Strength of 110, and the latter has a Military Strength of 100, making them quite comparable.

How long is me2 suicide?

Prepare yourself for a suicide mission to save mankind. Travel the galaxy to assemble a team of soldiers and combat specialists, and launch an all-out assault on the heart… Read More. When focusing on the main objectives, Mass Effect 2 is about 24½ Hours in length.