
How many portions does Rey get?

How many portions does Rey get?

In 34 ABY, Rey consumed veg-meat and polystarch portion bread for dinner before she met BB-8, a droid that she rescued in the desert. When BB-8 accompanied her to the trading post, Plutt offered to give Rey sixty portions in exchange for the droid.

What did Rey do on Jakku?

In order to survive on Jakku, Rey became a scavenger in the employ of Unkar Plutt, trawling through the junk fields of the Starship Graveyard which was littered with the remains of starships and other military technology from the Battle of Jakku.

What was Rey eating on Jakku?

Between wars As a scavenger on Jakku, Rey frequently ate polystarch portion bread.

Why does Rey have to get back to Jakku?

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The real reason why Rey’s parents abandoned her on Jakku was because they were protecting her from her grandfather Emperor Palpatine. Luke was hidden from his father Darth Vader (a fallen Anakin Skywalker) and Palpatine in order to keep him safe. Eventually, he went on to be the galaxy’s savior destroying the Empire.

How do you make Rey’s rations?

Rey’s Portion Bread

  1. Place the oil in a mug and swirl around to grease the inside.
  2. Add the cake flour, sugar, matcha powder, baking powder and salt into the mug, stirring together.
  3. Pour in the milk and vanilla, then cook in the microwave on high for 45 seconds.
  4. Let cool slightly and serve.

What is Luke eating on Dagobah?

Yoda brings Luke home to eat some homemade rootleaf stew, made from “yarum seeds, mushroom spores, galla seeds, and sohli bark” that he sourced from the bogs near his humble Dagobah home.

What is Ray eating in the force awakens?

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In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey receives her portions and heads back home, where she adds liquid and, like magic, it instantly changes into bread. Now you can recreate this magical meal by making your own version of Rey’s Portion Bread in under a minute.