
How many posts will 1 bag of Postcrete do?

How many posts will 1 bag of Postcrete do?

Just over one bag per hole should be sufficient, blue circle postcrete suggest 1 bag will fill a 8 x 30 inch hole with a 4×4 post.

How many bags of concrete do I need for one post hole?

Most fence post holes will need between 1 – 4 bags of concrete to securely hold the post in place. The best way to determine the size of the hole is: Diameter of the hole is 3 times the width of the fence post.

How much cement do I need for 1 fence post?

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Our example post will require two bags for every post if you’re using fast-setting concrete. Fast-setting concrete is ideal for installing fence posts since it doesn’t need to be mixed in a bucket or a wheelbarrow.

How many bags are in a Postcrete pallet?

Remix Post Mix – Pallet 80 bags.

Is one bag of Postcrete enough for one post?

“Usually one bag of postcrete per post is enough, however you can use a two bags per post if you feel this is needed. The instructions are on the bag.”

How much water do you put in a bag of Postcrete?

Fill hole with water to a third of the depth. 3. Pour in POSTCRETE evenly around post until no standing water is visible (powder completely covers water surface). Sprinkle water on top of powder.

How many bags of concrete do I need for a 4×4 post?

A six foot high fence post with a 4 inch post would need a hole that’s 36 inches deep by 12 inches in diameter. To fill a hole this size takes 5 bags of 80lb concrete, but remember, you have to subtract the volume of the post your burying….How Much Concrete For A 4×4 Fence Post?

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Depth 50 Lb Bags
24″30″ 4
32″36″ 5

Is Postcrete any good for concrete posts?

Post Mix Concrete is a versatile, pre-mixed and fast setting concrete product, ideal for both DIY and professional use. In the garden it provides strong foundations for gate posts and fence posts without the need for measuring different materials or a cement mixer.

How deep is a 2.4 m post hole?

Hole Sizes for Fence Posts and Other Types of Posts

Post size Height of post above ground Hole size (width x depth)
50mm (2”) 90cm (3′) 15cm (6”) x 30cm (12”)
1.2m (4′) 15cm (6”) x 40cm (18”)
1.8m (6′) 15cm (6”) x 60cm (24”)
75mm (3”) 90cm (3′) 23cm (9”) x 30cm (12”)

How do you lay a Postcrete?

Starts here2:18How to use Postcrete – YouTubeYouTube