
How many years after Skyward Sword does Breath of the Wild take place?

How many years after Skyward Sword does Breath of the Wild take place?

In other words, the Bestial Hatred and Ganondorf himself split, with Ganondorf using his power to seal it away. Ganondorf may be ready for hi reincarnations to end, but not Ganon itself. Then, Zelda’s reincarnation once again holds it back after 10,000 years pass, leading to the events of Breath of the Wild.

What happened 10000 years ago in BOTW?

One legend told is that 10,000 years ago, the land of Hyrule had become very technologically advanced – so much so that fierce monsters were considered little threat. Upon Ganon’s return, the princess of Hyrule and the hero fought with the other champions and their Divine Beasts against Ganon.

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Where is BOTW on the timeline?

Breath of the Wild takes place at the end of The Legend of Zelda timeline, but Nintendo’s refusal to explain which timeline it’s in is a lazy move. The timeline for The Legend of Zelda is infamous for being convoluted and difficult to understand, and Breath of the Wild’s placement only perpetuates this issue.

Who was the hero 10000 years ago BOTW?

According to Impa in Breath of the Wild, the “Hero of 10,000 Years Ago” was the ancient warrior who first saved Hyrule from the great evil known as Calamity Ganon. Interestingly enough, the Hero depicted in the tapestry is also sporting longer hair, a particular point of interest regarding the “Link” in this trailer.

Who are the champions in Botw?

The four Champions in Breath of the Wild are Mipha of the Zora, Daruk of the Gorons, Urbosa of the Gerudo, and Revali of the Rito. All of them perished while piloting their Divine Beasts in the attack of Calamity Ganon 100 years before the events of Breath of the Wild.

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What is malice Botw?

Malice is a thick, black-and-magenta tar-like substance that can be found in several locations throughout Hyrule Kingdom. Malice can damage Link upon contact. At the top of Mount Lanayru, Link can find Naydra covered in Malice. In order to free the Dragon, he must destroy all the glowing eyeballs around its body.

Who were the original champions Botw?

These four warriors consisted of the Zora Princess Mipha, the Goron warrior Daruk, the Gerudo Chieftain Urbosa, and the Rito warrior Revali.