
How many zip codes are there in the city of New York?

How many zip codes are there in the city of New York?

New York has a total of 1792 active zip codes.

Which ZIP codes are part of NYC?

New York City Zip Codes

10001 Manhattan 10451
10027 Manhattan 11201
10028 Manhattan 11203
10029 Manhattan 11204
10030 Manhattan 11205

What is the richest zip code in New York City?

Currently, Manhattan’s priciest ZIP code, 10013, averages $3.2 million, which is up 7\% from last year.

What are the poorest ZIP codes in NYC?

List of Poorest Zipcodes in Metro New York City
Rank Zipcode Median Household Income
1 07505 $19625
2 06608 $33762
3 07501 $28159

What is the Manhattan zip code?

Midtown Manhattan is the central portion of the New York City borough of Manhattan….

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Midtown Manhattan
ZIP Codes 10001, 10016–10019, 10022, 10036, several smaller zip codes
Area code 212, 332, 646, and 917

What is Brooklyn New York zip code?


City Name Zip Code
Brooklyn Heights/Cobble Hill 11201
Parkville/Bensonhurst 11204
Williamsburg/Bedford-Stuyvesant 11206
Cypress Hills 11208

What is the wealthiest town in New York State?

Detailed List Of The Richest Cities In New York

Rank City RichScore
1 North Hills 4.67
2 East Hills 5.0
3 Scarsdale 6.67
4 Malverne 17.0

What is the most expensive zip code in New York State?

Previous research conducted by Zillow found New York’s most expensive average property prices were found in a Sagaponack Zip Code, where the mean cost of a home was almost $5.5 million.

Why is Gramercy Park locked?

It was always his intention that Gramercy Park’s exclusivity would help protect it from the ravages of time, progress and interlopers. The park has been fenced since the mid-1830s, and locked since 1844, the same year its trustees held their first formal meeting at the home of James W. 17 Gramercy.

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What are Harlem zip codes?

Harlem is located within five primary ZIP Codes. From south to north they are 10026 (from 110th to 120th Streets), 10027 (from 120th to 133rd Streets), 10037 (east of Lenox Avenue and north of 130th Street), 10030 (west of Lenox Avenue from 133rd to 145th Streets) and 10039 (from 145th to 155th Streets).