
How much are parking permits in Santa Monica?

How much are parking permits in Santa Monica?

Temporary permits issued by the Parking Office cost $2 each per day.

How do I get a parking pass in Santa Monica?

To apply by mail and pay with a check or money order payable to City of Santa Monica, email your name and complete residential address to receive an application. There is a $25.00 charge for each returned check. If you are applying in person, please have the appropriate documents with you when you reach our counter.

Can you park at the beach in Santa Monica?

The City of Santa Monica beach lots are open for public parking from sunrise to sunset only, with the exceptions of Lot 1N that is open from 6 AM to 2 AM, and the upper Pier Deck lot that is open 24 hours per day. The daily and hourly parking fees (see page 3) vary depending on the season and location of the lot.

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Can you park overnight at Santa Monica Pier?

There is no overnight parking in Santa Monica, so if you plan to stay later than 2AM, you should contact the City’s parking office for permitting options.

Do you have to pay to get into Santa Monica Beach?

over a year ago. You don’t have to pay to go to the Santa Monica beach. The beach is free. The carousel and rides are per ride fees or you can pay to get an all day bracelet.

How much does parking cost at Santa Monica Pier?

Santa Monica Pier

Summer Apr 1 – Oct 31 Winter Nov 1 – Mar 31
Weekends $3.75 Per hour $18 Max Per Entry $3.50 Per Hour $15 Max Per Entry
Weekdays $3.75 Per hour $18 Max Per Entry $2.50 Per Hour $12 Max Per Entry
Buses or RVs Not Allowed Not Allowed
Disabled Placards/Plates Free Free

How dirty is Santa Monica beach?

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The beach is also seventh-dirtiest in the state, and it’s one of two LA-area beaches to make Heal the Bay’s annual “Beach Bummers” list of the most contaminated swimming spots on the California coastline. But it’s not all bad news. By and large, it’s been an exemplary year for water quality at California beaches.

Can you swim in Santa Monica?

Of course you can swim at the beach in Santa Monica. The water will be cold (the Pacific is a very cold ocean, in the low – mid 60s), but you can swim there. The water quality at the Pier often gets a low rating, but SM beach is many miles long, so you don’t have to swim at the Pier itself.

Does Santa Monica have free parking?

Downtown Santa Monica Parking Operated 24 hours daily. Free for the first 90 minutes and after that, the parking rates vary depending on the day and duration of parking. See specific rates via the City of Santa Monica.

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Where can I park in Santa Monica all day?

The Main Library surface lot, also located at 601 Santa Monica Blvd, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a short-term parking lot with a one-hour limit only….Rate.

Each Hour (1 Hour Max) $1.00
Disabled Placards/Plates Free

Do you have to pay for parking at Santa Monica Pier?

Santa Monica Pier Short-term parking is available at 1640 Appian Way. The lot is open daily from sunrise to sunset. The rate is $1.00 per hour with a 2 hour maximum.