
How much are seats at Yankee Stadium?

How much are seats at Yankee Stadium?

Yankee Stadium/Capacity

Is the neighborhood around Yankee Stadium safe?

The area is really safe on any game day. Outside of that, you have no business being there at night. Not because you’re guaranteed to find danger, but because there is no reason to be there on non game days. This.

What are the worst seats in Yankee Stadium?

Obstructed Seating

  • Avoid Row(s) 10-24 in Section(s) 238 and 202 for Baseball –
  • There are roughly 1,048 seats in the bleachers that have obstructed views of the opposite outfield. – (
  • 201,239 – The main obstructions are in sections 201 and 239.
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How much are front row seats at Yankee Stadium?

Front-row seat at new Yankee Stadium to cost $2,625.

Do you need to wear a mask at Yankee Stadium?

Face coverings are required at all times while visiting Yankee Stadium, including while in your ticketed seat, unless actively eating or drinking.

What is the most expensive seat in Yankee Stadium?

The most expensive ticket on either secondary market is a field level seat selling for $9,285 on SeatGeek. On StubHub, the most expensive seat comes in at $5,000 in the Legend’s Suite.

Was the old Yankee Stadium torn down?

Yankee Stadium closed following the 2008 season and the new stadium opened in 2009, adopting the “Yankee Stadium” moniker….Yankee Stadium (1923)

Renovated October 1973 – April 1976
Closed September 30, 1973 November 9, 2008 (final tour)
Reopened April 15, 1976
Demolished March 2009 – May 13, 2010

Is the Bronx by Yankee Stadium safe?

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During the game the area around The Stadium is one of the safest places on earth. Hundreds of NYPD are posted in the streets outside the ball park. There is a police station inside the stadium and in the subway station across the street. They make it safe for families to come to the game.

How much do Seats cost behind home plate at Yankee Stadium?

Seats behind home plate at the Yankees new stadium cost $500-$2,500.

What is the cheapest seat in Yankee Stadium?

Best Value Seats at Yankee Stadium Bleachers 202-204 and 235-238: Face value on these starts at $14, not bad if you believe everything is more expensive in NYC. The view isn’t horrible. Even cheaper seats are the $5 seats in bleacher sections 201 and 239.

How much is a ticket behind home plate at Yankee Stadium?

Do you have to be fully vaccinated to go to a Yankees game?

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Entrances into Yankee Stadium: Proof of a negative COVID-19 test or COVID-19 vaccination is NOT required for Guests to attend games and sit in the seating bowl at Yankee Stadium.