
How much does a doctor get paid in Norway?

How much does a doctor get paid in Norway?

A person working in Doctor / Physician in Norway typically earns around 3,430,000 NOK per year. Salaries range from 1,550,000 NOK (lowest average) to 5,830,000 NOK (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average yearly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

Can foreign doctors work in Norway?

Vacant positions in the public sector. Through many years thousands of foreign doctors have been working in Norway. Due to chronical shortage of doctors, the country has been quite eager to attract doctors from abroad, mainly specialist doctors, to fill vacant positions in the con- stantly expanding health care sector.

What is the highest paying job in Norway?

The gross average annual salary in Norway is 636,690 NOK (69,150 USD)….The Most In-Demand Jobs and How Much They Pay.

Construction worker 474,030 51,170
HVAC engineer 626,120 67,585
Railway engineer 579,795 62,585
Teacher 499,920 53,960
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Which country has highest income for doctors?

List of Highest Paying Countries for Doctors:

Australia France Germany
United States Ireland Norway
Belgium Switzerland Sweden
Canada Denmark Finland
Arkansas South Dakota Idaho

Is Norway good for doctors?

Norway has great standards of living and a very high quality of health services to go with that. That is why being a doctor there is not only a highly respected profession, but a very competitive one.

How do I become a doctor in Norway?

Medical Registration

  1. Gather Documentation.
  2. Pass a Norwegian Language test.
  3. Pass the Medical Proficiency Test.
  4. Complete a Course on the Norwegian Health Services.
  5. Complete a course in handling medications safely.
  6. Apply for a Medical License Online.

Can a US doctor work in Norway?

For an American physician wanting to practice medicine in Norway, the entire process from learning the language, taking the medical exams, gathering and submitting documentation, and obtaining the general medical license can take about six years.