
How much does it cost to put down a marble floor?

How much does it cost to put down a marble floor?

Marble Flooring Prices

Marble flooring installation costs
National average cost $3,600
Average range $3,000-$5,000
Minimum cost $600
Maximum cost $11,520

How much do marble floors cost per square foot?

The total cost to install marble flooring can range from $8 per square foot for basic options to $47 per square foot for specialty marble flooring. On average, expect to pay between $10 to $20 per square foot when professionally installed.

Is a marble floor expensive?

High cost: Marble is one of the more expensive kitchen flooring materials on the market, and individual 12 x 12-inch tiles can cost upwards of $5 to $10 per square foot. Over time, a marble floor can be marred by the moving of furniture, or even by pets.

What is the price of marble?

Questions & Answers on Marbles

Marble Type Min Price Max Price
Imported Marble Rs 70/Square Feet Rs 400/Square Feet
Indian Marble Rs 19/Square Feet Rs 400/Square Feet
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How much does it cost to do a marble bathroom?

Cost of Bathroom Marble

Bathroom Marble Costs Zip Code
Basic Best
Bathroom Marble – Installation Cost $150.00 – $175.00 $225.00 – $300.00
Bathroom Marble – Total $225.00 – $275.00 $425.00 – $600.00
Bathroom Marble – Total Average Cost per unit $5.00 $10.25

Are marble floors worth it?

Marble is now mined throughout the world and is highly prized as a natural product for countertops and flooring. Polished marble reflects light to make rooms seem more spacious while offering a touch of elegance. Yet for such an upscale material, marble is also durable and easy-care.