
How much was a Colt Peacemaker cost in 1873?

How much was a Colt Peacemaker cost in 1873?

In 1873 the Colt SAA sold for $17.50. The complete kit with a holster and some ammunition could be covered by a $20 gold piece.

When did the Colt Peacemaker come out?

The U.S. Army adopted the new handgun in July 1873, naming it the M1873, and bought 36,000 revolvers chambered in . 45 Colt caliber. The revolver was introduced to the civilian market two months later, acquiring the nickname “Peacemaker.” In 1878, the Peacemaker was introduced in . 44-40, .

What is the cost of a Colt Peacemaker?

1 of 11

Price $1,899.99
Action Revolver
Capacity 6
Barrel Length 4.75in
Finish Case Hardened & Blued
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How much is a 1873 Colt 45 worth?

An 1873 single-action . 45-caliber Colt revolver – the first six-shooter of the type known as the ”Peacemaker” to be produced – was sold for $242,000, a record at auction for a firearm, at Christie’s East on Thursday.

How much does a Colt Peacemaker cost?

An 1873 single-action.45-caliber Colt revolver – the first six-shooter of the type known as the ”Peacemaker” to be produced – was sold for $242,000, a record at auction for a firearm, at Christie’s East on Thursday.

How big is the barrel on a Colt Peacemaker Model 1873?

1 hours ago MODEL 1873 Colt Peacemaker – Single Action, 44 Caliber, 4-34 inch barrel, Serial Number 74215, blued frame with wood grips, COLT ’S for sale by GunsSonsAmmo on GunsAmerica – … Link:

When did the Colt Peacemaker 45 Cavalry case come out?

8 hours ago Scarce Colt SAA Centennial Peacemaker .45 Cavalry Cased 1873 -1973 Single Action Army Description: Guns by Sally-always the best for less. We are extremely proud to offer this Peacemaker tribute to Colt ‘s cavalry revolvers.

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What kind of gun is a Colt Model 1873 Single Action?

The Colt Model 1873 Single Action Army still holds a special place in the hearts of shooters and collectors, which means first-generation models in good shape come with high price tags. This fine .38-40 Colt, carried in a stylishly embellished leather rig, now fires blackpowder loads in Cowboy Action Shooting events.