
How similar are Lithuanian and Romanian?

How similar are Lithuanian and Romanian?

They aren’t mutually intelligible at all. Lithuanian is a Baltic language, Romanian is a Romance language. Yes, they’re related (both are Indo-European), but no more so than, say, English and Russian.

What language is Romanian mutually intelligible with?

Compared with the other Romance languages, the closest relative of Romanian is Italian; the two languages show a limited degree of asymmetrical mutual intelligibility, especially in their cultivated forms: speakers of Romanian seem to understand Italian more easily than the other way around, so learning Romanian, you …

Is Lithuanian mutually intelligible?

It is spoken in Lithuania by 2.8 million people. The closest relative of Lithuanian is Latvian, but the two languages are not mutually intelligible. Both are thought to have evolved from a hypothetical common ancestor called Proto-Balto-Slavic.

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Is Lithuanian a romantic language?

Certainly Lithuanian is a very old language, but so is every language spoken today. The Romance languages are, of course, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldavian, Catalan, Provencal, Sardinian, Rheto-Romance (Romansh, Engadinish, Ladin, Friulan).

Are Germanic languages mutually intelligible?

Dutch, German, English, Swedish and Danish are all Germanic languages but the degree of mutual intelligibility between these languages differs. Danish and Swedish are the most mutually comprehensible, but German and Dutch are also mutually intelligible.

Are Lithuanian and Latvian mutually intelligible?

Latvian and Lithuanian are not mutually intelligible. Russian is more similar to Polish than Latvian. Russian and Polish are not mutually intelligible. This should give at least some idea of the considerable differences between the languages.

Is Czech similar to Lithuanian?

Many European countries are similar to Lithuania. However unlike those two countries, it is mostly Catholic, so it is also similar to countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. The four least similar countries are all clustered around the Red Sea and have hot, dry climates.