
How soon can you put weed and feed on new grass seed?

How soon can you put weed and feed on new grass seed?

After overseeding, wait until your third mowing occurs. For sodding, sprigging or plugging, wait four weeks before you weed & feed so new grass can start without delay.

Should I weed or seed first?

Many of our clients often ask us the question, “Should I plant grass seed or kill the weeds first?” The answer is rather simple. The weeds should be killed first. Any weeds and poor looking grass around the lawn should be killed before any seeds are planted.

Can I use weed B Gon on new grass?

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After Planting Seed Applying a weed-control product such as Weed B Gon too soon can kill young grass. Instead, wait until you’ve mowed the new grass at least three times before using herbicides on your lawn.

When should I seed my weed?

The ideal time to apply weed and feed is in the early spring, just about the same time that you notice your lawn needs the first trim of the season. Besides choosing the best time of the year to apply weed and feed to your lawn, you need to keep an eye on the weekly weather forecast as well.

How long does weed and feed take to work?

It may take up to 14 days to see full weed-killing results from Scotts Weed and Feed. However, the effects of the fertilizer component in the weed and feed will begin to work in as little as 1–5 days, with additional results for several weeks afterward.

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How long after planting grass seed can you fertilize?

about 4 to 6 weeks
At about 4 to 6 weeks after the seed germinates fertilize the lawn with a high quality turf fertilizer that is predominantly nitrogen. Once turf is 4 to 6 weeks old or older, nitrogen is the most important nutrient for a healthy, attractive stand of grass.

How long after Ortho Weed B Gon can I seed?

Wait four weeks after applying Weed B Gon products before sowing grass seed in the treated areas.

How long is Weed B Gon good for?

We’re sorry you were disappointed with the results after applying Ortho Weed B-gon Lawn Weed Killer. Herbicides have a minimum shelf life of 3 years when properly stored, but will often last longer. After 3 years, products may gradually lose their effectiveness.

Should I mow before weed and feed?

In terms of mowing your lawn, it is best to mow a day or two before weed and feed application for best results. But be sure to collect these clippings right after you mow and before spreading the weed and feed, and not use them as mulch or compost around healthy grass and plants.

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How many minutes should I water my lawn after fertilizing?

How Long Should You Water Your Lawn After Fertilizing? The fertilizer and soil should be thoroughly moist, but don’t water so much that the water begins to form puddles. About 20 minutes should do the trick.