
How to interface GSM module with 8051?

How to interface GSM module with 8051?

Initially, connect the circuit as shown in the circuit 8051 Microcontroller diagram. Switch on the power supply. Now send a message from any other phone to the SIM present in the GSM module. Whenever a message is received by the GSM, it is displayed on the LCD.

What is the need of interfacing in 8051 microcontroller?

Interfacing is one of the important concepts in microcontroller 8051 because the microcontroller is a CPU that can perform some operation on a data and gives the output. However to perform the operation we need an input device to enter the data and in turn output device displays the results of the operation.

What are the different AT commands used in GSM code?

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AT Commands, GSM AT command set

Command Description
AT+CMGL List messages
AT+CMGR Read message
AT+CMGS Send message
AT+CMSS Send message from storage

What are the peripherals of 8051?

Features of 8051 Microcontroller

  • 4KB bytes on-chip program memory (ROM)
  • 128 bytes on-chip data memory (RAM)
  • Four register banks.
  • 128 user defined software flags.
  • 8-bit bidirectional data bus.
  • 16-bit unidirectional address bus.
  • 32 general purpose registers each of 8-bit.
  • 16 bit Timers (usually 2, but may have more or less)

What is GSM number?

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications and is the network standard for much of the world. Of the four major carriers here in the United States, T-Mobile and AT use GSM technology. Pop the card into a new phone, and your phone number and contacts come with you.

What are 3GPP 80 commands?

Network service related commands (3GPP TS 27.007, section 7)

Command Description
AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
AT+COLP Connected line identification presentation
+COLP Unsolicited result code for connected line identification presentation
AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions