
How would you check that your tyres have sufficient tread depth and are in good condition?

How would you check that your tyres have sufficient tread depth and are in good condition?

Insert a 20p coin into the lowest tread depth of your tyres. If you can’t see the outer rim around the edge of the coin, then your tyre is safe and has a minimum of 3mm tread depth. If you CAN see the rim then your tyre tread is less than 3mm and should be checked by a professional.

What are three ways to check the tire tread depth?

If you see irregular wear, it’s definitely an indication that you might need to have your tires balanced. There are basically three ways to measure tread depth: the quick-and-dirty way, the quicker-and-dirtier way, and the right way.

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How would you check to ensure that your tyres are in good working order?

To do the test, simply place the coin in the tyre tread, across multiple points along its length. If you can see the outer band on the coin face at any point, it means the tread is too shallow – and illegal. It’s not just time to think about replacing your tyres, it’s essential you do so immediately.

How do you inspect tires?


  1. Take a penny and hold Abe’s body between your thumb and forefinger.
  2. Select a point on your tire where tread appears the lowest and place Lincoln’s head into one of the grooves.
  3. If any part of Abe Lincoln’s head is covered by the tread, you’re driving with the legal and safe amount of tread.

How do you tell if you have enough tread on your tires?

One easy way is the penny test. Simply insert a penny into your tire’s tread groove with Lincoln’s head upside down and facing you. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, your tread depth is less than 2/32 inch and it’s time to replace your tires.

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How often do you check tyre pressures?

once a month
Tyres generally lose up to two pounds of air per month. This leads to your tyres quickly becoming underinflated if you don’t keep an eye on them, making it crucial to perform a tyre pressure check once a month.

How do you check tire depth?

Place a penny head first into several tread grooves across the tire. If you always see the top of Lincoln’s head, your treads are shallow and worn. If this is the case, your tires need to be replaced. If part of Lincoln’s head is always covered by the tread, you have more than 2/32 of an inch of tread depth remaining.

How do you check your tires?

The penny test is a simple way to do this. Just place a penny upside down in your tread. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it may be time for new tires. Use a tire pressure gauge to make sure your tires are properly inflated and then fill your tires with air as needed.

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How do I check my tires?