
How would you describe a direct democracy?

How would you describe a direct democracy?

Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which the electorate decides on policy initiatives without legislative representatives as proxies. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.

What does direct democracy mean in a sentence?

Definition of Direct Democracy. a type of government where the power lies directly in the hands of the people instead of representatives. Examples of Direct Democracy in a sentence. 1. Those living in ancient Greece practiced Direct Democracy, meaning each person got a say in how the city-state was governed.

Which is good direct or indirect democracy?

In a direct democracy, the entire community forms legislature. As against, in an indirect democracy, the elected representatives of the winning party forms the government and are a part of the legislature. While direct democracy is best suited for small countries, indirect democracy is good for large countries.

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Why is direct democracy not possible today answer?

Why is direct democracy not possible in modern societies? There are several reasons. Direct democracy comes with high costs and high risks, it may lead to conflicts and be emotional. As direct democracy often requires nationwide votes and assemblies, its economic, social and political costs will be considerable.

Who rules in a direct democracy?

Direct democracy, which is also called pure democracy is a democracy in which the decisions are not taken by representatives. All decisions are voted on by the people. When a budget or law needs to be passed, then the idea goes to the people. Large governments rarely make decisions this way.

What are the benefits of indirect democracy?

Indirect democracy allows citizens to vote for representatives who then can create the laws of government on their behalf. It’s a very efficient way to make laws while at the same time being responsive to the people through the election of representatives.

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How does direct democracy differ from indirect?

Indirect democracy, or representative democracy, is when citizens elect representatives to make laws for them. This is what most modern countries have today. Direct democracy is where citizens themselves vote for or against specific proposals or laws.

Why is direct democracy not possible in India answer?

Answers. Direct democracy is not possible in India because of its too many population . it is not possible for all people to sit together and make decisions. Also all Indians are not literate .

Which statement best describes how a direct democracy differs from a representative democracy?

A representative democracy is a system of government where citizens elect representatives to vote on laws on their behalf. A direct democracy is one where citizens vote on every issue themselves. The key difference between the two systems is who is voting on laws, elected officials or the citizens.