
In which tense PPDT story is written?

In which tense PPDT story is written?

Write the story in past tense. You don’t have to describe the scene instead you have to imagine what possibly could have led to the scene, how the hero overcame the problem in your story and what the result was. Thus in general a story should have a format somewhat like this.

What is screen out in SSB?

SSB interview is divided into two stages. The first phase is called screenin test and rest of the interview consists of other tests including psychology, GTO task, interview. Those students not able to clear the first phase are called screenout.

How do you narrate PPDT?

Be loud and clear enough to be audible to everyone while narrating the story. Make eye contact with others while you narrate the story. This will fetch them your attention and they will listen to you with more interest. If given a chance to volunteer to speak, either speak first or narrate at the end.

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How do I write PPDT in SSB Quora?

Here are the tips that should come handy to you while writing a story in PPDT:

  1. You are given 30 seconds to see a picture.
  2. Define a title for the given picture.
  3. Create a hero/heroine from the characters seen in the picture and make him/her the main central character of the story to build.

Why is PPDT important?

Story and group discussion parts of PPDT are very helpful to psychologists for verifying whether a candidate have some qualities in them or not. Based on their considerations and interpretation of your personality, you will get screened in or screened out of SSB interview.

How do I start a PPDT?

PPDT consists of three parts – story writing, narration and group discussion….14 tips for PPDT story narration

  1. After you have written your story, avoid wasting time and practice narrating the story to yourself beforehand.
  2. Remember your story well.