
Is a heart murmur a heart valve condition?

Is a heart murmur a heart valve condition?

In adults, abnormal murmurs are most often due to acquired heart valve problems. In children, abnormal murmurs are usually caused by structural problems of the heart (congenital heart defects). Common congenital defects that cause heart murmurs include: Holes in the heart.

What is a leaky heart valve called?

Overview. Mitral valve regurgitation — also called mitral regurgitation, mitral insufficiency or mitral incompetence — is a condition in which your heart’s mitral valve doesn’t close tightly, allowing blood to flow backward in your heart.

Is a heart murmur the same as mitral valve prolapse?

Mitral valve prolapse is a common cause of a heart murmur caused by a “leaky” heart valve. Most cases of mitral valve prolapse are not serious and only need to be monitored. Mitral valve prolapse is associated with many other symptoms and conditions.

How long can you live with a heart murmur?

If you or your child has an innocent heart murmur, you can live a completely normal life. It will not cause you any problems and is not a sign of an issue with your heart. If you have a murmur along with any of the following symptoms, see your doctor: You are very tired.

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What are the signs of a leaky heart valve?

What are the symptoms of a leaky valve?

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Swelling in the ankles, feet or abdomen.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Chest discomfort.

Can a leaky heart valve repair itself?

Unfortunately, heart valves do not tend to heal themselves. It is true that some infants born with heart murmurs will eventually grow out of the murmur as the heart matures.

How do you repair a mitral valve leak?

In mitral valve surgical repair, a doctor removes the part of the mitral valve that doesn’t close properly, as shown in the top image. Then a doctor stitches the valve edges together and tightens the width of the valve with a ring, called an annuloplasty band (bottom image).

Do heart murmurs make you tired?

People with an abnormal heart murmur may have symptoms of the problem causing the murmur. Symptoms can include: Feeling weak or tired. Shortness of breath, especially with exercise.