
Is being called precocious a compliment?

Is being called precocious a compliment?

Today, ‘precocious’ is mostly used to refer to children who exhibit adult like maturity. They are far more intelligent and skilled than children of their age. The word can be used as a compliment and to show disapproval as well.

What does it mean when someone calls you Precocious?

unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development: a precocious child. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc.

Does precocious mean gifted?

A precocious child is often one who exhibits early talents or intelligence beyond their age. The mental development of a child and their faculties is advanced in a child that is precocious. The adverb form of precocious is precociously, and the noun form is precociousness or precocity.

What is precocious in psychology?

n. very early, often premature, development of physical or mental functions and characteristics. —precocious adj.

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What is precocious behavior?

precocious \prih-KOH-shus\ adjective. 1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence. 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.

What is a tempestuous person?

The adjective tempestuous can describe violent weather, but it can also figuratively describe something that just has the characteristics of such blustery and turbulent weather. A person could be described as tempestuous if she’s prone to violent mood swings and fits of passion. Impetuous is a synonym.

What are two synonyms for Precocious?

synonyms for precocious

  • bright.
  • cocky.
  • intelligent.
  • mature.
  • advanced.
  • aggressive.
  • ahead of time.
  • beforehand.

What does precocious aging mean?

This leaves room for signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fatigue, to occur. These changes may be surprising if they happen earlier than expected, hence the term “premature” aging.

What does precocious brat mean?

disapproving. A precocious child behaves as if they are much older than they are: a precocious little brat. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Physically and mentally mature & immature.

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What is a gifted 4 year old?

The ability to change the language they use when speaking to different audiences (For example, a 4-year-old gifted child might use more advanced words and sentence structure when speaking to adults or older children, and then talk in a simpler, more childlike way when addressing his 3-year-old cousin.)

What is the meaning of precocious puberty?

Precocious puberty refers to the appearance of physical and hormonal signs of pubertal development at an earlier age than is considered normal.