
Is Bernal Heights a nice neighborhood?

Is Bernal Heights a nice neighborhood?

Bernal Heights is a lovely place, with a nice community and a beautiful park. It’s not overflowing with families, but there is still a good amount. My family has made lifelong bonds with a family the street up. Another pro is Cortland street, where almost all the shops are.

Is Bernal Heights Park safe at night?

Bernal Heights encompasses quite a large area of land, from Cesar Chavez to 280 and from Mission to Bayshore, so there’s a great deal of variation. I live in one of the ostensibly safer parts (central/western side, just off Cortland) but am still very careful about, say, walking alone at night or early in the morning.

What is Bernal Heights known for?

It’s most famous attraction is Bernal Heights Park. My other top picks include the Alemany Farmer’s Market, Esmeralda Slide Park and Barebottle Brewing Company. It borders the Mission District and offers easy access to Glen Park, Noe Valley, and Potrero Hill.

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Is the Mission District safe?

The Mission District, although it equates to a big portion of San Francisco’s crime, has a its safe elements to it. In actuality, the crime is concentrated in particular areas. For example, 16th Street and South Van Ness can be sketchy.

Where is the Bernal Heights swing?

How to Get There: This swing can be found by navigating to Bernal Heights Park. Once you park near the bottom of the hill, make your way up. The “hike” is not difficult at all (I’ve done it in a dress & sneakers multiple times).

Is living in the mission safe?

The Mission used to have a reputation for being dangerous and dirty, and while it’s still not the cleanest neighborhood, it’s pretty safe these days.

Is Bernal Heights a hike?

For an easy, accessible hike, you can simply follow the road to the top of Bernal Hill as it gently winds around the hill. There are benches along the road to take breaks and enjoy the view. From the end of the road, it’s only a 100-foot walk to the peak.