
Is chickpea a monocot or dicot?

Is chickpea a monocot or dicot?

Yes, chickpea is a dicot seed. Chickpea is scientifically known as Cicer arientinum which belongs to family Fabaceae. A dicot is a flowering plant that has one seed leaves. Chick peas have two cotyledons, therefore it is a monocot.

Is Pea a monocot or dicot?

Gram, pea, pumpkin all have two cotyledons within the seed, in order that they are dicots. Rice, wheat, maize all have only one cotyledon in their seed, in order that they are known as monocots.

Which seeds are dicot seeds?

Dicot seeds(Dicotyledons) are the seeds which have two embryonic leaves and cotyledons. They are one of the two groups into which all the flowering plants were divided. Examples of Dicot Seeds: Bitter gourd seeds, Castor seeds, Mango seeds, Neem Seeds, Night Jasmine seeds, Papaya seeds and, Tamarind seeds.

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Is chickpea a seed?

chickpea, (Cicer arietinum), also called garbanzo bean or Bengal gram, annual plant of the pea family (Fabaceae), widely grown for its nutritious seeds. The seeds are high in fibre and protein and are a good source of iron, phosphorus, and folic acid.

Is chickpea a monocot seed?

Chick peas have two cotyledons, therefore it is a monocot.

Is chickpea a legume?

The name chickpea comes from the Latin word cicer, referring to the plant family of legumes, Fabaceae. It is also known by its popular Spanish-derived name, the garbanzo bean. Kidney beans, black beans, lima beans, and peanuts are other familiar foods found in this legume family.

Is Castor a dicot seed?

The seeds of both peas and castor are dicots while maize seeds are monocots.

Is maize a dicot seed?

Dicotyledons or dicot is generally referred to the flowering plants or angiosperms in which the seeds typically contain two embryonic leaves or cotyledon….

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Monocot Dicot
Rice Pumpkin
Maize Pea

Is rajma a dicot seed?

The answer to this question is that Rajma or Kidney beans are dicotyledonous or say they have two cotyledons. The Beans fall under the category of Dicotyledonous plants.

Is bean a dicot seed?

Dicots are seeds that have two parts called cotyledons, such as a bean seed. A bean seed that has soaked in water for a day or two has a soft outside covering. The bean seed has two parts. Therefore, it is a dicotyledon or dicot for short.

Is rajma a seed?

Rajma is a popular dish from the North Indian cuisine made from red kidney beans. Photo insensitive, Flat, green straight pods. Seeds light brown, oblong and large. Seed yield min 1400— 1500 kg./ha, Duration 70-75 days.

Is black gram dicot or monocot?

Answer: Maize and Wheat are monocots and Black gram and peanuts are dicots. Explanation: Based on the cotyledons present in the embryo flowering plants are divided into monocots and dicots.