
Is confidential considered classified?

Is confidential considered classified?

Confidential. This is the lowest classification level of information obtained by the government. It is defined as information that would “damage” national security if publicly disclosed, again, without the proper authorization.

How do you classify confidential information?

A typical system will include four levels of confidentiality:

  1. Confidential (only senior management have access)
  2. Restricted (most employees have access)
  3. Internal (all employees have access)
  4. Public information (everyone has access)

What kind of information is classified?

Classified information is that which a government or agency deems sensitive enough to national security that access to it must be controlled and restricted. For example, I dealt with information related to weapons of mass destruction and their proliferation.

WHO classified information?

Executive Order 13526 also specifies who may designate information as originally classified. The order specifies that the president, the vice president, “agency heads and officials,” and officials to whom those officials formally delegate such authority are original classification authorities, sometimes called OCAs.

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What are examples of confidential information?

Examples of Confidential Information
Business & Marketing Plans Information Received from Third Parties
Customer Information and Lists Social Security Numbers
Information Relating to Intellectual Property Payroll and Personnel Records
Invention or Patent Health Information

Is SSN restricted or confidential?

Background. The Social Security number (SSN) has a unique status as a privacy risk. No other form of personal identification plays such a significant role in linking records that contain sensitive information that individuals generally wish to keep confidential.

Is password confidential or highly confidential?

Examples of data with high confidentiality concerns include: Social Security numbers, which must remain confidential to prevent identity theft. passwords, which must remain confidential to protect systems and accounts.

What is the difference between confidential and restricted information?

Confidential: Confidential information is team-wide and its use should be contained within the business. Restricted: Restricted information is highly sensitive and its use should be limited on a need-to-know basis.

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What is the difference between secret and confidential?

As adjectives the difference between confidential and secret is that confidential is (meant to be) kept secret within a certain circle of persons; not intended to be known publicly while secret is being or kept hidden.

What is the difference between classified and confidential?

is that confidential is (meant to be) kept secret within a certain circle of persons; not intended to be known publicly while classified is formally assigned by a government to one of several levels of sensitivity, usually (in english) top secret, secret, confidential, and, in some countries, restricted; thereby making …