
Is distance education degree valid for CPA?

Is distance education degree valid for CPA?

Yes, you are eligible for CPA with your distance M.Com degree. Correspondence or regular, it does not matter when it comes to a degree. CPA exam does not have any mandate degree but it follows a credit system. The candidate should have at least 120 or 150 credit hours.

Can BCOM student do CPA?

Generally, most Indian B.Com graduates are eligible to take the CPA exam. Every year of university education in India is equivalent to 30 semester credits of US Education, totalling to 90 credits at the end of 3 years.

Is a Sol degree from distancedu worth it?

DU sol degree only fulfills eligibility criteria.. Definitely sol degree is valuable, its equivalent to regular degree and you will get equal opportunity all sector whether it’s private or govt sector. It’s degree is acceptable all over india, only thing is matter how much you will do hard work for your dream.

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How many credit hours are required for CPA in India?

Therefore, Indian candidates with an Indian bachelor’s degree have 90 credit hours. (3 years * 30 hours/year = 90 credit hours) Because of this, Indian CPA candidates often cannot fulfill the first requirement of obtaining a 4-year bachelor’s degree. This is a challenge, but Indian candidates can overcome it.

Can Indian CPA candidates get a 4-year Bachelor degree in USA?

Because of this, Indian CPA candidates cannot fulfill the first requirement of obtaining a 4-year bachelor degree. In the past, there have been 3 solutions: (a) Apply through Delaware. For years Delaware was the only state that recognizes “associate degree” including 3-year non-US bachelor degree.

What does 150 credits mean on the CPA exam?

Earning 150 credits means you have to earn 30 more than the 120 that may be required to sit for the CPA Exam, depending on the jurisdiction. (Note: sitting is not the same as becoming licensed. You’ll need to hit 120 AND 150 credit hours to both sit and become licensed.)