
Is free now or is now free?

Is free now or is now free?

Some say, “now free” is used for long period and “free now” is used for limited period. Some say “now free” for exclamatory or surprised sentences and in other hand “free now” is use in normal present condition.

What can I say instead of I am free?


  • 1 buckshee (Brit.
  • 2 at large, at liberty, footloose, independent, liberated, loose, off the hook (slang) on the loose, uncommitted, unconstrained, unengaged, unfettered, unrestrained.

How do you politely ask someone for free?

If you want to be polite you should prefer, May I call you in your free time, please. May I know your free time, please,so, if you like I may call you. Could you, please, let me know when you would like to receive my call.

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How do I use the FREE NOW app?

How does it work? When you hail a cab, make sure the driver is on FREE NOW before the journey starts. Let him or her know you’d like to use Pay with FREE NOW, and they’ll do the rest! They’ll search for you on their app, and then put the payment through as normal at the end of the journey.

Why is it called FREE NOW?

“The Free Now brand is about bringing freedom of mobility to passengers. That’s where it comes from. There may have been some confusion that (the service) is free, but it’s about freedom.”

What does I am at your disposal mean?

Definition of at someone’s disposal : available for someone to use : available for whatever one needs We had plenty of money at our disposal. Do you need some help? I’m at your disposal. They are using every legal tool at their disposal to prevent the bridge from being built.

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What is taking the liberty mean?

Definition of take the liberty of : to do something without asking for permission to do it —+ -ing form of a verb I took the liberty of making a reservation for us.

Are you free or will you be free?

1 Answer. “Are you” is the present tense, while “will you be” is future continuous tense. Technically speaking then, the difference is that “are you free on Sunday” is asking somebody for their present plans or the current state of their diary for Sunday. Either they are currently free, or they are not.

Can call now Hindi meaning?

क्या अब मैं आपको फोन करूंगा