
Is Germany safe for female students?

Is Germany safe for female students?

Germany is generally a safe country so there’s no reason to be overly worried. This country is one of the major academic hubs for international students from all over the world. It is home to worldwide ranked universities, and their globally valued degrees promise high employability and a unique student experience.

Are refugees allowed to study in Germany?

As a rule, refugees are allowed to study at German universities. Normally you won’t encounter any problems if your status is recognised (entitled to asylum, granted refugee protection etc.). The same applies if your application for asylum is still being processed or if you only hold a “tolerated” status.

Do refugees get money in Germany?

What benefits will I receive? Asylum seekers in Germany who cannot support themselves receive state assistance. During the asylum process, the federal state of Berlin will pay for your accommodation and food. You will live in an initial reception center or an emergency shelter at the beginning.

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Is Germany good for refugee?

Along with traditional routes through Greece, Italy and Spain, Belarus has become a major migration route in the last few months. Germany remains the top destination for people seeking protection in Europe, with the number of asylum applications filed in the country already exceeding the 100,000 mark in 2021.

Can immigrants study for free in Germany?

Well, yes, you can study in Germany same as other international students, especially if you have received the asylum, granted refugee or “tolerated”-the application still processing status. Holding one of the refugee statuses, you surely can apply to get admission in a certain German university.

Can refugees in Germany work?

If your application for asylum has been accepted, i.e. you have been recognised as a refugee, or an individual entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection, you may work as an employee or a self-employed person without any restrictions. That means you have the same rights as a German citizen in the job market.

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What if my asylum is denied in Germany?

If the BAMF rejects your asylum application, you will be asked to leave Germany. If your application for asylum is rejected as “inadmissible” (“unzulässig”) or “obviously unfounded” („offensichtlich unbegründet“), you only have one week to voluntarily leave Germany.