
Is heat produced is inversely proportional to resistance?

Is heat produced is inversely proportional to resistance?

Hence to state a relationship between resistance and heat generated, you need to crack down the voltage into independent quantities- resistance and current. Then the equation reads H=I2Rt, which tells us that heat is directly proportional to resistance.

Is current inversely proportional to heat?

This is exactly as you have stated, the heat is directly proportional to the resistance and the square of the current. Because the current term is squared in the power equation, the heat given off by the circuit is more highly dependent on the current flowing through it than the resistance.

What is the relation between heat current and resistance?

Heat is directly proportional to resistance, if we change the resistance then the heat also change. Heat is directly proportional to resistance of the conductor conductor provided the current flowing through the conductor and the temperature of it is kept constant.

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Why heat is directly proportional to current?

When these appliances are in connection with the supply of electricity they become hot but wires remain cold. They consist nichrome which has high resistivity and hence high resistance. Heat produced is directly proportional to the resistance of material through which the current flows.

Does resistance decrease with heat?

To understand the temperature dependence, consider a simple model of resistance. Electrons flowing through a conductor are impeded by atoms and molecules. The more these atoms and molecules bounce around, the harder it is for the electrons to get by. Thus, resistance generally increases with temperature.

Why does the resistance increase when the current increases?

An electric current flows when electrons move through a conductor, such as a metal wire. The moving electrons can collide with the ions in the metal. This makes it more difficult for the current to flow, and causes resistance. The relationship between resistance and wire length is proportional .

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Is resistance directly proportional to temperature?

Resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to temperature. With the increase in temperature, vibrational motion of the atoms of conductor increases. Due to increase in vibration, probability of collision between atoms and electrons increases. As a result, resistance of conductor increases.

Why the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to the length?

The collision of electrons takes place in the more length of the conductor makes more hindrance to flow of electrons cause more resistance. That is why, the resistance of the conductor is directly proportional to the length of the conductor.