
Is HIIT better than long distance running?

Is HIIT better than long distance running?

A 10 minute HIIT workout of sprints and jogs has been shown to burn more calories than a 30 minute steady jog, and has also been shown to increase general fitness significantly quicker than long distance cardio. At the end of the day, it’s a personal choice and some exercise is better than no exercise at all!

Is long distance or HIIT better for weight loss?

Both forms of exercise provide an increase in calorie expenditure, leading to weight loss. However, calorie expenditure will depend on intensity and duration. As we’ve mentioned, HIIT will fatigue you much faster than running. Therefore, there is the capacity to burn more calories during the long run.

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Why is HIIT better than long distance running in improving aerobic performance?

Steady-state cardio is aerobic: It requires oxygen and is fueled mostly by stored fat. HIIT, by contrast, is anaerobic: The work intervals don’t rely exclusively on oxygen, and are fueled mostly by stored carbohydrates. (Counterintuitively, HIIT makes you breathe harder, and burns more fat, than steady-state cardio.

Which is better a short HIIT workout or a long run?

Bursts of high intensity interval training (Hiit) may be more effective for weight loss than longer less intense workouts, a study suggests. “Hiit might increase the risk of injury and impose higher cardiovascular stress,” they said.

What burns more fat running or HIIT?

Research also suggests HIIT will result in a greater reduction of body fat, compared to traditional exercise. Cardio is defined as a steady-state exercise where your heart rate is raised above 50\% of your MHR for an extended period of time. Examples of this could be running, jogging, cycling or jumping rope.

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Does HIIT burn more fat than running?

HIIT running was more effective than HIIT cycling for reducing total body fat, while lower intensities (below 90 percent maximum heart rate) produced better results in terms of abdominal and visceral fat loss. As the scientists note, HIIT is more time-efficient due to the increase in post-exercise oxygen consumption.

Should I do HIIT or steady state cardio?

HIIT is characterized by bouts of high and low intensity in various ratios. Numerous studies have shown HIIT to be superior to steady state cardio for maximizing lean mass and fat loss while being comparable to OR better than steady state cardio for cardiovascular health.