
Is Hunger Games OK for a 9 year old?

Is Hunger Games OK for a 9 year old?

Common Sense Media rated the book as acceptable for 12- to 13-year-olds. Some teachers used it for explorations of class, inhumanity, societal injustice, and other important themes.

What is the age range for The Hunger Games?

As in the book, The Hunger Games’ central “pageant” is a televised battle to the death: 24 children between the ages of 12 and 18 (12 girls, 12 boys) are selected to participate in a bloody reality show-style contest in which there’s only one victor.

Is The Hunger Games too violent?

In America, the movie is rated PG-13 for “intense violent thematic material and disturbing images, all involving teens.” Lawrence told Reuters she thought the violence was acceptable.

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Why is The Hunger Games Rated PG-13?

Why is The Hunger Games rated PG-13? The Hunger Games is rated PG-13 by the MPAA intense violent thematic material and disturbing images — all involving teens. Violence: The premise of this film revolves around a competition where two-dozen adolescents are forced to fight to the death until only one survives.

Is The Hunger Games gory?

Gory but overall a good movie. The Hunger Games. Everyone has heard of it. Whether a friend read it and told you the story or you read it,most people can agree on one thing:it’s gruesome and emotional.

Who was the youngest person to win The Hunger Games?

During the 65th Hunger Games, Finnick was mentored by a previous District 4 victor, Mags Flanagan (winner of the 11th Hunger Games), and won the competition at age 14, making him the youngest victor in the history of the games.

What type of violence is in The Hunger Games?

Spoilers. The Cornucopia Bloodbath scene at the start of the hunger games is very intense and quite disturbing. We see children brutally murdered by other kids, although the camera is shaky, making the gore hard to focus on. We see spearing and stabbings and blood splashing out as well as a brief leg amputation.

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Should I let my 11 year old watch The Hunger Games?

The book is rated by Scholastic as grade 5.3 and for ages 11-13. Parents’ concerns about The Hunger Games center around violence. The book has a lot of it, and it is graphic at times. And unlike cartoons and video games, the violence in Hunger Games has emotional and physical consequences.

Does The Hunger Games have swearing?

Language: no swearing. Sexual references: some innuendo. References to prostitution. Nudity: Reference to a character being nude in front of an audience of thousands.

Should my child read The Hunger Games series?

Neither of us love the Hunger Games series, but for different reasons. So, it really does depend on the child.” Chocolate Muffin Tree: My husband just made the comment to me (he teaches middle school) Kids are reading these books yet the movie version of the books they are not allowed to watch!

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Is the Hunger Games appropriate for an 11-year-old?

That doesn’t mean that those movies are actually appropriate for that age group. Can a mature, intelligent 11 year old handle reading “The Hunger Games”? Sure, probably, but that doesn’t mean that the book is actually appropriate for that age group in general.

What grade level is The Hunger Games for?

The Hunger Games is a trilogy by Suzanne Collins about a 16-year-old girl named Katniss who lives in a futuristic dystopia. Katniss volunteers to take her sister’s place in an annual battle in which 24 teens fight to the death on live television. The book is rated by Scholastic as grade 5.3 and for ages 11-13.

What do you think about The Hunger Games?

Discussion, discussion, discussion is the key… Hunger Games is a book with many messages meant to mirror problems in our own society, namely desensitization to violence on tv, reality tv shows that blur the lines between real human sufferring and being kicked off the island, war, famine, haves vs. havenots, just to mention a few. It