
Is it for or are for years?

Is it for or are for years?

If the five years are consecutive then it’s a single time period and ‘is’ should be used. eg ‘The term of employment is five years. ‘ If it is five years over a longer time period then ‘are’ should be used. eg ‘Five years of my life was enough.

Is it 4 years or four years?

Specifically, in your example, the subject noun phrase (“Four years”) is plural, and it is a measure phrase. Since your subject is a measure phrase in a copular clause, then, in general, its number can usually be optionally overridden (the singular override).

Is it 6 year or 6 years?

This is because six-year-old is one adjective referring to a kid. For example you would write, “He was a six-year-old boy”. Don’t forget the hyphens. “Six years old” uses only the word “six” as the adjective and it is plural.

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Is five years plural or singular?

The word year may be left singular or pluralized, depending on how it’s used: My internship in San Diego was a five-year experience. Here, the hyphen allows the words five and year to function together as a single adjective, modifying the word experience.

How do you write 6 years old?

When to Hyphenate Year Old “Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

Is 5 years old correct?

No hyphens are necessary. Correct usage is: She is five years old. or She is 5 years old. Conventionally, numerals under 10 are spelled out rather than written as digits, but some prefer ages always to be written as digits.

What is the difference between years and years?

Years is used for the plural of year. year’s and years’ are used in compound time expressions. Year’s is used with a singular time unit and years’ is used for a plural unit.

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How do you write 6 year old?

What is the difference between a 5 year and 6 year course?

The 5 year requires higher grades than 6 year. Both require interviews (of same difficulty) and you have to be eligible for the 6 year course, to be considered. Many people who were predicted AAA applied for 6 year and were rejected before interview.

What is a 6 year medicine course like?

There are 2 different types of 6 year medicine courses – one is the one with a foundation year for those who don’t have A-Levels in science subjects and the other is the one with a compulsory intercalating year. No matter what, you still come out with a medical degree.

How long will a 6 year old water heater last?

If you plan on servicing as you state a 6 year will last as long as a 12 year. The water heater in my own house lasted 25 years before it finally experienced a rust pinhole. Hard water actually helps preserve a water heater by lining the inside.

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Should you enlist in the military for 4 years or 6 years?

If you enlist for four years, your window to re-enlist opens up two years sooner than if you enlist for six years. That means you could get that big check two years sooner. On the other hand, having an extra two years would give you more time to achieve a higher rank, which would contribute significantly to the size of the bonus you got.