
Is it illegal to leave a mental hospital?

Is it illegal to leave a mental hospital?

In most cases, yes. However, if your doctor feels that leaving the hospital presents a serious risk to your health or safety, they can recommend against it. If you have an underlying behavioral health or substance abuse problem, the hospital can detain you. However, there are legal steps that must be taken.

Can you discharge yourself from mental health services?

You have the right to refuse your treatment, including medication. If you do plan to leave the ward or refuse your treatment, staff would like it if you would talk with them about your decision. The doctor will discharge you when you are better or you can discharge yourself at any time.

Can you discharge yourself if you have been sectioned?

If you are a voluntary patient, you should be able to come and go from the hospital within reason and discharge yourself if you decide to go home.

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What is the criteria for detention under the Mental Health Act?

The two doctors must agree that you are suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree which warrants your detention in a hospital for assessment or treatment and that you ought to be detained in the interests of your own health, your own safety or with a view to the protection of other people.

How do I dispute a hospital discharge?

How to Appeal a Discharge

  1. Read the notice of discharge. Your hospital admittance should include a statement of your rights along with discharge information and how to appeal a discharge.
  2. Talk to the QIO.
  3. Ask about the “Safe Discharge” policy.

Who can discharge from a section?

You can be kept in hospital for up to 28 days. The mental health professional in charge of your care and treatment under the MHA is known as the Responsible Clinician or RC and he/she can discharge you from section at any time if you no longer require to be sectioned.

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Can you self section yourself?

It’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to get yourself sectioned, as sectioning exists to help people who aren’t able to help themselves, or aren’t aware enough to recognise that they need help. Being sectioned is for people who do not wish to go into hospital, not for those that do.