
Is it OK to throw toilet paper in the toilet UK?

Is it OK to throw toilet paper in the toilet UK?

In the UK, most people use toilet paper to wipe themselves after they use the toilet. Do not flush anything else down the toilet (such as paper towels, tissues for blowing your nose, wet wipes, sanitary products, cotton wool pads, hair), as this is bad for the environment, and will likely cause expensive blockages.

Why do Spanish people not flush toilet paper?

In Mexico, they do not have what he refers to as “sanitary Y’s” and “T fittings with graceful curves”. Instead, the fitting below the base of the toilets in Mexico have a normal 3” or 4” T fitting. Therefore, flushing toilet paper in Mexico would require the septic tank to be cleaned more frequently.

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Can you put toilet paper down the toilet in Spain?

Spain – is a bit of a mix. In most cities and beach resorts you can flush the paper. Although you might be asked specifically to use a bin, in which case, do. Generally speaking, use the bin provided for the paper, but if one isn’t provided for holes-in-the-ground, just drop it in.

Do they use toilet paper in Europe?

In Europe, toilet paper is certainly an option for sanitation, but most occupants overseas prefer to use the bidet for cleaning themselves post toilet use.

Can you flush toilet paper in Spain?

Do people in Mexico flush toilet paper?

You don’t flush toilet paper. Doesn’t matter where you go in Mexico, their sewage systems cannot accommodate paper. So the answer is….. No, you cannot flush paper down any toilets in Mexico.

Do you flush your toilet paper?

Although, it should be noted that the data is perhaps not 100\% reliable as almost every single toilet you’re likely to encounter in say France or Spain will allow you to flush your toilet paper. So if you’re not flushing it away, what are you doing with it? The answer is that it depends on where you are.

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Do you flush the toilet when you go abroad?

The answer is that it depends on where you are. For example, some countries have relatively few flush toilets, so you’re going to be using something closer to an outhouse. However, in other countries there may be a bin where you throw it out rather than flush it away.

Where can I buy toilet paper in the UK?

Ask at tourist information or restaurants. Toilets in cities tend to be Western-style and you should be able to flush. In townships and in the countryside, long-drops tend to be most common, bin or throw the paper in. And if you’re looking to buy toilet paper you can still find it on Amazon here.

Do you flush toilets in Russia?

Russia – I have been informed that you are most likely to be flushing in Russia. However, there are public toilets, and some older facilities that don’t have the power to get rid of the paper where you’ll need to use the bin, but these will be clearly marked. Anyway, flush most of the time unless you’re specifically told otherwise.