
Is it okay to take a year drop for CAT?

Is it okay to take a year drop for CAT?

Yes, it is normal. Many people in the past have taken a drop of 6 to 10 months for CAT Preparation and have made it successfully to top IIMs. So, you are not the first one to do so. Just stay focused during the gap period, prepare well and score high.

Which exam is more difficult CAT or XAT?

CAT Vs XAT One of the key differences between CAT and XAT syllabus is the varying topics and sections. CAT does not have Decision Making section and GK section but XAT exam has DM and GK as separate sections. Another key difference is the XAT Vs CAT difficulty level. XAT is considered a bit more difficult than CAT exam …

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Is preparing for CAT enough for Nmat?

NMAT is way easier than CAT, and most of the candidates who prepare for CAT can easily attempt NMAT. So, if you are well prepared for CAT, NMAT should not be an issue. Apart from some minor topics, most topics also remain the same for both exams.

Should cats repeat?

You will have to take CAT again. Whether you should be so fixated on one company or a role is a question for another time. However, if you want to get a good job that pays well and you get to enter the domain/industry of your choice you should not be too concerned about the brand and take up the school you are getting.

Can we give CAT exam twice?

There are no restrictions on the number of times you can attempt the CAT exam. The first time you can attempt the CAT exam is when you are in your final year of graduation. Technically, you can attempt CAT every year till you are alive.

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What is SNAP exam for MBA?

SNAP is a postgraduate entrance examination conducted by Symbiosis International (Deemed University) [SIU] for admissions into the 26 MBA programmes offered at its 15 institutes. Registrations for the SNAP Test 2021 commenced on 31st August 2021. You can register and pay the fees on

How tough is snap compared to CAT?

The overall difficulty level of SNAP is lesser than that of CAT or XAT, but more than TISSNET, CMAT or MAH-CET. Last year, candidates had been provided a leverage to appear for SNAP twice or thrice. SIU regarded the best of the “two” SNAP 2020 attempts in order to provide admission to the candidate.

Is NMAT easier than SNAP?

SNAP has over 50,000 takers every year while NMAT has over 88,000 applicants which increases the competition level for NMAT candidates. The quality of candidates appearing in NMAT and SNAP is somewhat same hence one can easily prepare and appear for both the entrances simultaneously.

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How tough is SNAP compared to CAT?