
Is it rude to say thanks for the reminder?

Is it rude to say thanks for the reminder?

Although most uses of “Thank you for the reminder” are well-intentioned, it is also possible for the phrase to be used in a negative way. The phrase can also be used in a sarcastic way in writing, but in general it’s best to assume it is sincere.

Is it annoying to say thank you too much?

Over-thanking can negate the whole purpose of a “thank-you.” Instead of making the person feel good, you make him or her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. It can also create an imbalance of power in the relationship and make the recipient question or regret his or her generosity.

Do I need to say thank you?

Studies have confirmed that the simple act of saying ‘thank you’ can lead you to a happier life. When you express your thankfulness to others, it not only makes others feel great but also makes you feel great.

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Is it important to say thank you why?

Gratitude is the simplest, most powerful way to acknowledge another person’s value and humanity. It’s something we all learned as a small child: to say thank you. Research shows that people who are more grateful have better heart health and more disease-fighting cells in their bodies.

How do you say thank you for remembering me?

I’m so grateful to have you in my life.” 22. “Thank you for remembering me with everything else going on in our lives right now. You reminded me to take a pause and take better care of myself.”

Can you Overthank someone?

He might begin to feel pressure to respond with, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” or “It’s fine, I loved having you.” The fact is, over-thanking can negate the whole purpose of a thank-you: to make the other person feel good. Instead, you may make him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

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Why do some people always say thank you?

When you say ‘thank you’, people develop a feeling that they have done something to help you. This gives them inner happiness. Saying ‘thank you’ is the simplest way to say ‘I appreciate you’. People also feel more motivated when they are appreciated and praised.

Is it okay to say thank you too?

In these situations — when a person says “thank you”, but you feel you should equally or even more be thanking them, yes you could say “thank you too”. But the more common response would be to repeat the “thank you” but vocally emphasizing the “you”, to stress that you’re turning the thanks back on them.