
Is it wrong to put someone out of their misery?

Is it wrong to put someone out of their misery?

1. If you put someone out of their misery, you end a situation which is causing them to suffer, usually by telling them something they have been waiting anxiously to hear. If someone puts a person out of their misery, they deliberately kill them because they are suffering, usually from an illness that cannot be cured.

What does it mean to put someone out their misery?

phrase. If you put someone out of their misery, you tell them something that they are very anxious to know. [informal]

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What is it called when you kill someone to put them out of their misery?

Euthanasia is when a person’s life is ended because of disease or pain, which has made them suffer. This is different from assisted suicide, where a person helps someone kill themselves. Euthanasia is illegal in most countries.

What is it called when you let someone kill you?

Note: Varies by jurisdiction. Assassination. Child murder. Consensual homicide. Contract killing.

What do you call someone who is obsessed with death?

an obsession with death or the dead. — necromaniac, n. See also: Corpses. an obsession with death or the dead.

What does it mean when a guy puts out?

Often, the term “putting out” indicates when a woman is willing to have sex with a man. Sex is a common pastime for people across genders and sexual identities, and the term can be applied in a non-heterosexual context and to anyone of any gender.

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What’s the word for putting someone out?

phrase. 1’Maria was put out by the slur on her character’ annoy, anger, irritate, offend, affront, displease, exasperate, infuriate, provoke, irk, vex, pique, nettle, gall, upset. informal rile, miff, peeve, aggravate, hack off. British informal nark.

What does putting someone out?

: to give a sign of respect to (a military officer, flag, etc.) by moving your right hand to your forehead : to give a salute to (someone or something) : to show respect for (someone or something) : to publicly praise (someone or something)