
Is Juliette a good name?

Is Juliette a good name?

Juliette is a Top 25 favorite name in France as well as Belgium. English speaking nations have often preferred the French Juliette as a more fanciful version of their own Juliet.

Is Juliette a rare name?

1 out of every 1,112 baby girls born in 2020 are named Juliette.

Where does the name Juliette come from?

Juliette is a French personal name. It is a diminutive of Julie, and ultimately comes from the Latin nomen (or clan name) Julius, or “son of Jove”….Juliette (given name)

Word/name Latin
Other names
Related names Julius, Juliet, Julie, Julia, Juliana

What does Juliette mean in the Bible?

Juliet is baby girl name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Latin. Juliet name meanings is Down-bearded youth.

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What are nicknames for Juliet?

Nicknames for the name Juliet include Jules, Jule, and Juju. Famous people with the name Juliet include musicians Juliet Richardson and Juliet Simms.

How old is the name Juliette?

Juliette Origin and Meaning Juliet originated in the Middle Ages as a diminutive form of Julian, then a predominantly female name. It ultimately derives from Julius, a Roman family name.

What does Juliet mean spiritually?

What does downy bearded youth Meaning?

Things that are downy are very soft and fluffy. Babies are sometimes born with little tufts of downy hair on their heads. A teenage boy who wants to grow a beard will be frustrated by the downy hairs on his chin, and you could also describe the feeling of a peach as downy.

What is the boy version of Juliet?

“I’m pretty good on the archives and research, and I think he probably would have quite liked to have done that [written Juliet as a male] if he’d been allowed, I really do.” The Liverpool production keeps the play’s original title, but in the play itself Juliet is now Julius – played by 20-year-old Elliott Kingsley.

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What does Romeo stand for?


Acronym Definition
ROMEO Retired Old Men Eating Out
ROMEO Rights Metadata for Open Archiving
ROMEO Real Old Motorcyclists Eating Out

What’s a downy slang?

British slang sharp-witted; knowing.

What is Julius in Latin?

Origin. Word/name. Greek or Latin. Meaning. “Downy-bearded” or “devoted to Jove”